Nice damage boost, but the skills areWhat the hellYou would expect this mod to be boosting the perks of anarchy, so what is this annoyed android and fancy mathematics crap The only skill which makes sense is Death from Above, and that skill is broken all to hell (before the latest hotfix). Borderlands 2 Gaige Class Mods Android And Fancy The max stats should still help show the magnitude of the various innate bonusespenalties these COMs have. The max stats listed are all for OP8 in UVHM, so it may not mirror the actual max stats attainable if youre not at max level.
Much of the basic information was pulled from the wiki, which is not always accurate.
This can make it awfully confusing for a Gaige player to pick the right mod. I was asked to write up something for Gaiges class mods, and based off my work I can expect that I will never be asked to do something like this again. He used it with occasional discording and around 200ish stacks for his hail. Borderlands 2 Gaige Class Mods By galdetabno1977 Follow | Publicīorderlands 2 Gaige Class Mods Android And Fancyīorderlands 2 Gaige Class Mods How To Use It